Latest Technology on Back Surgery

Incorporation of technological innovations to any fields or areas of life are the new trends of today’s time. Doing it so in the medical field are growing as fast as it can. However, what comes to your mind when you think of this modernization in combination with the spine surgery?

The latest trends nowadays are eyeing on certain goals like improvement of approaches that are less invasive, decreasing the pain postoperatively, and make the recovery in a faster phase. These are just living proofs that life is easier with technology. Moreover, it aims to restore the movement in the spine and to boosts process of surgical fusion.

Latest Technological Trends

There are various technologies that are updated. These modernizations may have to last for long span of time.

  • Cervical artificial disc replacement that are used to treat cervical disc pathology. This procedure is an alternative to Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion.
  • Improvement in the result of fusion are emerging for over a period of time. This result comes together with the improvement of the rate of the fusion process and decrease pain and complications.
  • The idea of minimally invasive sacroiliac joint fusion procedure is being copied and adopted.

Latest, less invasive approach in spinal fusion

The newest trend in spinal fusion is the augmentation of the vertebrae. This is to treat a painful fractured vertebrae. However, as of today, there are wide range of procedures that awaits you. Including in this range are vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty.

Technological Limits

Below are two important fundamentals to consider:

1. The necessity of having the appropriate preoperative diagnosis. This is somehow difficult especially in determination of the source of various types of back or neck pain.
2. Selecting a surgeon who are expert in their field of diagnosis and treatment. It is better to take time when choosing a surgeon. Lots of people seek for second or third opinion prior to decision making.

Final Thought

Spine surgery is a combination of art and science. However, practicing spine surgery like that of spinal surgery practice in Austin, TX, comes with attempting to enhance the techniques in order to diagnose the patient accurately. It also boosts techniques of surgical procedures.