If you have two PCs, you can freely change the work place. This can be said to be one of the great advantages of having two PCs. When buying a personal computer to use at home, it is a matter of concern whether to use a desktop computer or a laptop computer.
Specifically, if you mainly use a desktop computer at home and purchase a laptop computer as a second computer, you will be able to work outside your home. If you want to use your computer on the go, such as in a cafe or travel destination, it is essential to purchase one laptop.
If you have two PCs, you can collect the information of the materials you need at your business place or on the go and carry it with you. And one of the merits is that you can edit it on the spot. Carrying a huge amount of materials on paper has the disadvantages of being bulky and heavy, so it is convenient to consolidate them on a single computer when moving.
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Furthermore, if you have two PCs, you can purchase both desktop PCs and install them in a place that suits your work and purpose, such as the living room or bedroom. If the purpose of using your computer is limited to “watching videos at home” or “playing online games”, you have the option of purchasing both high-spec desktop computers. If you don’t have the possibility to carry your computer with you like this, you can use both desktop computers.
The combination of a desktop computer and a laptop computer is suitable when there is a possibility of using the computer even when you are out. First of all, in addition to the high functionality of desktop computers, the advantage is that monitors and keyboards can also be used in large sizes.
Therefore, a desktop computer is suitable for heavy work such as video editing and online games. However, in the case of a desktop computer, of course, it cannot be carried. In addition, there are disadvantages such as the need for a certain amount of space to install a desktop computer.
Desktop and laptop
If you carry your computer with you and use it on the go, it’s important to purchase a laptop for one of the two. It is undeniable that laptop computers are less functional than desktop computers. However, if you have one laptop computer and one desktop computer, the disadvantages of each will be canceled out, and the range of usage of the computer will expand. When combining a desktop computer and a laptop computer, make sure to use the merits of each.