State-of-the-art technology in the school

Surfing, emailing, and downloading – these are no longer foreign words for children. Almost every student has a computer. Schools also rely on PCs and other technical aids to make it easier for students to start their professional lives and this is what it means when you say technology in schools.

Hardly any other medium has developed as quickly as the computer. Teaching with computers is also part of the daily routine at school. The whiteboard has already been added to some schools. An electronic white blackboard that can supplement the lessons with special functions. In this way, children learn to use technical means at an early age in order to work with computers and similar devices without any problems.

Computer in class

Where a few years ago, there was only a computer room for the computer science course, now almost every student has the opportunity to work extensively on the computer. Technical means are used in various subjects. They serve as writing and painting tools, trainers, conveyors of knowledge, and as a means of communication. Learning platforms, questionnaires, and research tasks on the computer have long been part of the classroom. The main reason for the strong involvement of technical aids is preparation for the world of work.

Whiteboard as a blackboard replacement

Green blackboards and chalk were taken for granted in school up to now. For some time now, the whiteboard has replaced the conventional board. This technical aid is intended to make teaching easier for students and teachers. Text, graphics, and images as well as sounds and films can be displayed on the electronic board, which is connected to a laptop. In addition, special pens can be used to write on the whiteboard. In this way, the children are offered varied lessons, and work with different media is made easier.

Media education in class

In addition to the learning effects, learning on the computer and on the Internet also presents certain dangers. Using the keyword “Safer Internet”, teachers show how safe surfing works. Most children are unaware of the size and variety of websites, chat rooms, and file sharing sites. In the respective teaching units, the children learn how and where to chat properly, which internet sites are hidden traps, and how to behave in social networks.