Technology development and digital communication

Digital change, social networks, and apps network accelerate and simplify the relationship between people and technology. Information tailored to the individual will become the rule, and soon there will be clothes with digital devices and cars whose onboard computers will assist the driver or take over tasks completely. We communicate with intelligent, networked everyday objects and living spaces, physical mobility and presence are no longer absolutely necessary in many areas of life, the collection and analysis of data are becoming a highly competitive currency. At the same time, the value of technology increases only those who own it and can use it to participate in society.

Inclusion through technology

Intelligent location and orientation services especially for people with disabilities seem to be in the test phase everywhere. Numerous aids can be replaced by smartphones, tablets, and computers – for significantly less money than traditional aids. And this development is far from exhausted.

Why digital accessibility is becoming increasingly important for everyone

In the world of tomorrow, it will be crucial not only to have access to the internet at all but also to be able to use its abundance of services without barriers. This is even more important for data in private hands than for public services because daily online life does not take place on the website of the city administration but on social media and current news websites. This is where decisions are made about participation in social life and thus about digital inclusion or exclusion.

Because of digital accessibility, Guaranteed rent has reached many customers.

Digital relationship maintenance as a motor for empowerment

Those who belong to the digital natives communicate differently than the previous generation, establish their networks of relationships online – even over great distances – and use new forms of exchange, engagement, or representation of their interests. This will continue to increase. The Internet makes it easier than ever to find people with the same interests or problems.

Technological transformation at work

Digitization does not stop at any industry, digitalization also changes the work processes themselves. If people still control computer systems today, it is foreseeable that computers will increasingly control people’s work in the future.